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Recharge your batteries, relax and discover the luxurious 4-star services, as well as the comfortable rooms, of the Sévan Parc Hôtel in Pertuis! Between the sweetness of Provence, the charm of the Luberon and the authenticity of Pertuis, find yourself at Sévan Parc Hôtel for business stays, exceptional holidays, weekends of discovery or successful events! Register number of travel and stay operators: IM08422001

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Best Western Rewards
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Cabin Reservation
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Best Western Rewards
Evolution of our behaviors and mentalities
Our labels

What is Corporate Social Responsibility?
Our CSR approach

CSR is the practice of sustainable development by companies. We will therefore seek to respect the environment while being economically viable. A balance that we build with the help of stakeholders, that is to say: our employees, our customers, our suppliers, our shareholders or our players in the territory. Meet at the reception of the Sévan Parc Hotel, to learn more about our daily actions!

4th consecutive year Green Key

Discover the first sustainable tourism label for tourist accommodation and restaurants. In an environmental approach and for the fourth consecutive year, we are pleased to inform you that we have been labeled @Clef Verte. In a “Clef Verte” establishment, we respect the territory and we promote sustainable tourism, at the same price. Thus, we implement an environmental policy and a socially responsible approach: intelligent waste management, control of energy and water consumption, responsible purchasing, etc. As part of the labeling, audits and the collection of evidence, in order to attest to the seriousness of the approach, are carried out regularly. 

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Hotels Tours France HCF

Welcome to Hotels Circuits France! Hôtels Circuits France represent a network of independent, passionate and warm hoteliers and restaurateurs, offering you exceptional stopovers, discoveries, thematic or personalized in their establishment of character, all year round. With friends, in a group, as a family or as a couple, (re)discover a French destination with authenticity: tailor-made welcome, family atmosphere, comfort, services, regional cuisine, local products, know-how, etc.

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The State has created the quality tourism mark™ Quality of Tourism

The Quality Tourism approach is a sign of recognition of establishments that offer quality services, so that travelers can choose them with confidence. The essential values are as follows: quality of reception and services, professionalism and promotion of local resources. Thus, we are committed to offering you: personalized welcome, clear and precise information, attentive staff, comfortable place, impeccable cleanliness and local tourist information.

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Business sustainability assessment Ecovadis

In 2020, 60,000 companies were assessed worldwide. We are part of the TOP 10 companies evaluated in the “accommodation” sector with the @ecovadis Label. Environmental, social and ethical – or sustainable – performance is a critical factor for today's smart businesses. The supply chain is the biggest lever of impact.

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Label Tourism and Disability

Tourism & Handicap (T&H) is the only state brand awarded to tourism professionals who are committed to a quality approach targeted at accessibility to leisure and vacations for all.

The Séva Parc Hôtel received the label in 2024. This is a continuation of its CSR approach.

"Establishment that listens and works on its accessibility. Development

correct and aware staff. Favorable opinion of the commission for

hearing and mental disabilities."